Ch. Bravos Burlywood Bravada, HIC

(GCh. Aurealis Perfect Storm x Ch. Bravos Lyca Dream at Zandria)

Ch Bravos Burlywood Bravada - Best of Breed

First Weekend Out as a Special: Best of Breed!
California Collie Clan - 3/22/15
Judge: Janice McClary

Bravos Burlywood Bravada - Group 2

New Champion and Herding Group II
Chief Solano KC - 4/20/13
Judge: Alane L. Gomez

Bravos Burlywood Bravada at SBCF a.m. show

Winners Bitch (4 pts.)
South Bay Collie Fanciers - 3/23/13
Judge: Susan Abraham

Bravos Burlywood Bravada at SBCF p.m. show

Reserve Winners Bitch/Best Puppy
South Bay Collie Fanciers - 3/23/13
Judge: Janet R. Hitt

Bravos Burlywood Bravada at CCNC a.m. show

Winners Bitch/Best of Winners (3 pts.)
Collie Club of Northern California - 2/16/13
Judge: Linda Simmons

Bravos Burlywood Bravada - HIC test

Herding Instinct Certification
Sacramento Valley Collie Club - 3/10/13
Judge: Linda Rorem

Bravos Burlywood Bravada at Sammammish KC show

Winners Bitch (5 pts.)
Sammammish Kennel Club - 1/13/13
Judge: Glenda Henson

Bravos Burlywood Bravada at 18 weeks

Emma at 18 weeks old
"Welcome to California!"

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